Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sun Airway : Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier

You know when you listen to an artist/band, and then you stop for a bit and you would only listen one or two songs; and then one day you hear a song and somehow find yourself listening to the whole album, repeatedly?
Well, Philadelphia-originated Sun Airway is that band. Jon Barthmaus's voice and his band's beats, synths, visuals, and trance-like piano noises have me listening them all day everyday (okay, I exaggerate but for the past 3 days). I posted a video of an acoustic version of Sun Airway's "Put The Days Away" but you need to listen to their album. You can sway your head back and forth to the music, you can sing-a-long, you can just sit and stare into the clouds. Whatever it is you do, listen to Sun Airway while you're at it. I'm just saying, I can listen to "Waiting on You" on repeat.
*P.S. Isn't the album cover beautiful?

Waiting on You by Sun Airway

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