Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Video Attack // SXSW 2013

Here are some videos/songs/artists I can't stop watching/listening to/obsessing over. The anticipation for SXSW 2013 is making me fidgety. I can't focus, I can't eat, I can't sleep...okay, that's a lie, the last two are necessities but the focus part - that part rings true, ask my grades. Okay, that's another joke, if my mom ever reads this, my grades are fine. I'm just trying to cover my tracks here. I'm really really excited for SXSW 2013.
Y'all know how much I love HAIM

I don't want to post every video because that would make this website slower than I feel it already is so maybe I'll post another video attack tomorrow. I know I just have to document these now so I can remember it later. Watch, enjoy, get excited.